Update from the House Sitting Tasmania HQ…

Update from the House Sitting Tasmania HQ…


House Sitting Tasmania has now been open nearly 3 months and we are extremely pleased with the success and positive connections that have been made between home owners and house sitters! Though just like any brand new website, there are always some wrinkles to smooth out and bugs to catch, but all is working very well. So far the feedback has been great and at House Sitting Tasmania we will always strive to evolve and aim to provide additional resources and inspiration that make the experience much more valuable.

To help us with this process we plan to undertake a survey in the coming weeks to hear your thoughts and offer us further information to maximise the local and personal experience with House Sitting Tasmania. We have a unique and exclusive community platform which is growing by the day and most importantly, we always put our home owners and house sitters at the core of everything we do!

Have any queries or feedback? Drop us a line! housesittingtasmania@gmail.com