Short/long-term house and pet sitter with references

About Sitter:

Excellent references.

Work from home, take my work everywhere. House sitting works perfectly with career.

Excellent with pets, particularly dogs who tend to be much fitter at the end of house sitting assignments. Spend a lot of my time getting out in the bush, to the beach, or walking the available paths and hiking tracks, dogs join in on my general activities.

Love cooking and looking after properties, with a history including groundskeeping work, gardening, hospitality, cleaning, general maintenance and others. Love to do the odd jobs around the home while housesitting, improving the overall presentation and condition.

Since Dec 2024
  • House Sitter Name: Fred
  • Are You: Male
  • Region: South, South East, East, West, North, North West, Central
  • Location: All
  • Preferred Location: All