Ruth Saffir & Keith

About Sitter:

We are semi-retired musicians, now living in Adelaide. Both of us were lecturers in music at the University of Adelaide, and now teach our instruments from our home studio. We lived in Hobart for many years in the 1970s-80s, and visit frequently to catch up with friends. We have always owned our own homes, and have been avid home-makers and gardeners. We have never been without pets, both cats and dogs, though we are now down to one dog (see photos), as we live very near a National Park. As renters we have a perfect record on Airbnb, always leaving a home as clean and neat as we find it.

Since Feb 2025
  • House Sitter Name: Ruth
  • Are You: Couple
  • Region: South
  • Location: Hobart and surrounds
  • Preferred Location: Hobart and surrounds
  • Preferred Hours: Email any time, phone calls up to 3:00pm or after 8:00pm