Pets Love me

About Sitter:

Hi my name is Pete, 43 years of age. I'm working in Tasmania in Bicheno until October 1st. I a professional technician and I along with my colleague are running a laser show called Bicheno Beams. If you haven't seen this show yet, its free and is truly outstanding.
Our contract finishes in October and are looking to stay in Tasmania for until the end of the year.
My colleague is 45 years of age and we both have completed recent police checks.
I have always been very good with animals, especially dogs.
We are both responsible, trustworthy and very easy to get along with.

Since Sep 2021
  • House Sitter Name: Peter
  • Are You: Male
  • Region: South
  • Location: Hobart
  • Preferred Location: Hobart
  • Preferred Hours: Anytime